What does known your self-worth mean in the beauty industry? Find out how your pricing and discounts ties into your worth and why you need a strategy.
The Retail Journey
Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning.
Retail is a huge part of our business, but many shy away from it like the plague. There is a lack of confidence, fear of rejection and lack of knowledge that keeps us from our potential success. I want to share with you some ideas on how you can gain confidence and boost your sales by mind shifting the retail journey and a tactical plan of action.
Every sale has five basic obstacles:
No Need
No Money
No Hurry
No Desire
No Trust
We need to create a guest experience and incorporate a retail experience as well. If you are educated well on your products and truly believe that they are the answers to healthier beauty and the best home maintence, then you should feel at least 80% more confident in the retail experience. Remember lead with compassion, education and solution seeking attitude. Build a relationship with them so they can trust your guidance and rely on you to help them with their beauty needs.
Here is your key Points that you must hit during the guest experience
Why Change
Why Change Now
Why Change with me
Your focus should be on the following
Clients challenges
Adding VALUE to the service
The Features and Benefits of use Professional Products
The RESULTS of using a your professional products
The guest experience for their retail journey start with the consultation. The conversation starts with LISTENING about their frustrations, challenges, wishes. Search for trigger words (Dry, Dull, Oily…),Start with the end in mind, and find out what they are using at home and why. I would recommend not to DUMP all at once your solutions but plant good seeds of what is to come throughout their services on your suggestions to the solutions to their challenges.
Throughout the service say what you are using and why you are using it. As a passionate beauty junkie it can be difficult to hold back on too much information. Yes, I want you to be enthusiastic but too much information can lead a client to overwhelm not purchase.
Create a presentation. Meaning, clean off your station and make it a space that is easy to see what you are using on their hair. You can hand them the product too but at least me conscious of the environment. Select 2-3 products for styling. Maybe even say “If you were to take one thing home today I would definitely take this one home because XYZ.” Again be enthusiastic but KEEP IT SIMPLE. Do not over talk and share about all your products.
Once the service is over recap your service and slightly touch base on what you used. Then walk them over to the retail area and point out all the things you used today. I love opening ONE PRODUCT and have them smell it. I know I love the smell of our products! Then ask “What would you like to take home today?”
Be consistent and practice your script. It needs to feel natural and authentic. You are doing your guest a disservice if you are not educating them on how to take care of their image at home. Don’t assume they don’t need anything, be confident in your education and products, lead with honest compassion.
Remember every no is closer to a YES. Don’t get discouraged just keep your head up and do your best.